Tax Advice Hattingen

Tax planning

Tax planning is the analysis of a financial situation to ensure that all elements work together to allow taxpayers to pay the lowest possible tax. This can include manipulation of the timing of income, size and purchases, as well as the selection of retirement plans and investments to maximize deductions and reduce tax liability. It is important to consult with a professional as the tax laws and regulations evolve. This can save you valuable time and money, as well as make the tax compliance process easier. It is also essential to take advantage of any tax credits and deductions available to you, especially as new legislation is enacted or regulatory guidance is released. For example, accounting method planning can generate significant tax savings by accelerating depreciation and moving income and expenses into different periods during the year.

Tax audits

The IRS audits (checks) your tax return to verify if you reported the income, expenses and credits you should have. It also checks to see if you owed more taxes than you should have.

If you agree with the findings of your audit, it will recommend changes that may lower the amount of tax owed or increase your refund. If you disagree, you have a right to appeal.

However, the odds of auditing a taxpayer with an income below $200,000 dropped significantly over the past few years. This was driven by decreased staffing and the fact that it takes more time to handle complex higher-income audits.

As we previously have reported, the most common IRS targets are low-income wage-earners claiming the earned income credit. They have a hugely high audit rate – five and a half times as high as virtually everyone else.

Tax compliance

Taxes are an important part of a country’s economy. They help governments balance the budget and pay for goods and services that they provide to their citizens.

In order to pay taxes, individuals and businesses must report accurate yearly income and submit the correct documents to the IRS. Failure to do so could result in a large fine or penalty.

To encourage compliance, the government can use different approaches. These include compliance checks, examinations, and deterrence messages.

The IRS conducts compliance checks, also known as information and recordkeeping verifications (AURs). These are less costly than examinations, which can take a number of months or even years to complete.

Moreover, simplification of communication with taxpayers could increase compliance. Several experiments found that simplification has positive effects. In one experiment, simplification increased tax compliance by 23%. However, this effect diminished over time. Steuerberatung Hattingen